
Category: Blog

Daily Mail Piles David Hurst Pasquale Giordano

Daily Mail – Me and my operation: The pain-free op that eases the misery of piles

Haemorrhoidal symptoms can affect many people. Conventional surgical treatment of haemorrhoids can be very painful and with prolonged recovery,

Bowel Cancer prevention

Bowel Cancer

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK. Almost 42,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer every year in the UK. Mor

Transanal rectocoele and anterior anal sphincter repair - pasquale giordano - londoncolorectal

Transperineal rectocoele and anal sphincter repair with levatorplasty

The video demonstrate the repair of a large rectocoele associated to an anterior anal sphincter repair and levatorplasty via a transperineal approac